BioLogic EC-Lab® Software Demo.

We are constantly improving our solutions and we need your help to better understand your specific needs.
Please, fill-out the following form in order to receive our demo software by mail and subscribe to our soft updates.

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    Personal information

    Your firstname*


    Your name*


    Your email*


    Your Organisation*


    Your Country*


    I am a BioLogic instruments users:


    If you are a BioLogic user, connect to your BioLogic account on or if you dont have an account please register to our website and download the full version of EC-Lab

    I want to install the demo version to:

    Process my dataProcess data from a partnerProcess data from another brandTo evaluate EC-Lab


    I will use the demo for:

    Research purposeEducational purpose

    Additional information (not mandatory):



    I want to subscribe to BioLogic Newsletter (Software updates, Scientific articles, events). We produce 4 newsletters per year