BT-Export™ Registration Certificate Request Form.


Welcome to BT-Export™

BioLogic’s software solution for automating the export of Test Runs generated by BT-Test™ on the BCS-900 series and the export of .mpr files coming BT-Lab® 1 on the BCS-800 series. We are constantly striving to enhance BT-Export™ with each new iteration, and your valuable feedback plays a crucial role in shaping its future development.


To better understand your usage patterns and preferences, we kindly request your participation in providing us with some key information. By completing the following form, you will receive the registration certificate to start BT-Export™ and contribute to the ongoing improvement of our software.
Thank you for choosing BT-Lab® software suite and BT-Export™. Your input is greatly appreciated as we continue to refine and optimize our product for your needs.


Please fill out the form

    * indicates required

    Registration information

    Your name*


    Your email*


    Your Organisation*


    Your Country*


    Serial number of your BCS*


    With which instruments are you using BT-Export™?*
    (multiple choice is possible)


    Why do you want to automatically export your battery test data?*

    Backup/storage yesno
    Can you tell us more on the backup/storage solution you are using (ex: DB, file server…):


    Analysis yesno
    What kind of analysis tools are you using (ex: Origin, Excel, homemade…):


    Are you using BT-Analysis™, the analysis software provided by Biologic:*

    yesNot at allYes but not only
    Tell us more (didn’t try, other tools, missing Functionalities, etc )


    What are the variables you would like to export with BT-Export™ (ex: time -relative/absolute-, voltage, current…):*


    In addition to the measured data, what are the metadata you would like to export (ex: DUT name, Test Run start time, DUT specific parameter, TP settings…):*


    A set of files are exported per channel (header file, main data file, user variable file): is that satisfying for your need?



    How often you would you like the exported file to be refreshed with the new data // What is the frequency of export you are requiring (ex: every hour, every day, …):


    When do you want the exported file to be available (ex: during cycling, after completion of the test):


    Do you want the export every run or only selected ones:

    Every runSelected runs


    What file format of export would you like (ex: .txt, .csv, …):


    Do you want to customize the export file name:*

    Please give us an example of desired template name format:


    Are you interested in exporting data from other sources (ex: BCS-800 series, Biologic potentiostats, other instruments brand)?


    Are you interested by an advanced file export such as:

    A file per cycle yesno
    A file every hour: yesno


    Do you want to store the export settings in a template:



    If we need more details, would you agree to be contacted by our support team?*

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