7 min read

BT-Lab Technical Note 49: Measurements with BCS-800 & BT-Lab® software starting from a negative Ecell value

Latest updated: April 19, 2024

Secondary batteries require testing during the different stages of their development process.


During the evaluation of self-assembled cells, sometimes their initial overpotential floats around -200 mV after the first assembly. When working with BCS-800 systems, two validations are necessary when trying to begin a technique with a battery whose initial potential is negative:

– hardware detection: handled locally and results in the inability to start the control in the experiment.

– software detection: results in an error message and the blocking of the technique by the software


This note introduces the procedure to be followed with BT-Lab® 1.73 version (and higher), which will allow the technique to continue once negative potential values are reached, even if error messages are displayed.

negative Ecell value self-assembled cells BT-Lab® 1.73 Deactivate E range check

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