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Study of pitting corrosion inhibition effect on aluminum alloy in seawater by biomineralized film

Latest updated: August 4, 2020

Authors: YuanyuanShen,YaohuaDong, bYiYang, QinghongLi, HonglingZhu, WentingZhang, LihuaDong, YanshengYina

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2019.107408



Metallic materials can be easily corroded in marine environments, in which pitting corrosion is very common. In this study, we investigated the effect of Bacillus subtilis, isolated from the South China Sea on the corrosion behavior of 2A14 aluminum alloy in seawater. Surface analysis of the alloy in the presence of the bacteria was used to observe corrosion morphology and the corrosion products studied. Electrochemical method was used to analyze the corrosion susceptibility of the alloy in seawater in the presence of the bacteria. Surface analysis suggested that a protective film with CaMg(CO3)2 was gradually formed on the surface of the alloy in the presence of the bacteria. The electrochemical results showed that the radius of the impedance arc of the alloy immersed in seawater with bacteria increased gradually with time. The bacteria promoted the formation of the CaMg(CO3)2 film, which blocked seawater from the alloy and consequently, inhibited pitting corrosion.


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