
Diffuse Reflectance Circular Dichroism.

Accessory for MOS-500

A Diffuse Reflectance CD accessory based on an integration sphere using an internal coating specially chosen for its high reflectance

Diffuse Reflectance CD (DR-CD) for powder samples

Measuring CD spectra on powder has long been desired as a way to eliminate solvent contribution. A Pellet technique can be used, but the quality of results is highly dependent upon the quality of sample preparation. Bio-Logic has designed a Diffuse Reflectance CD accessory based on an integration sphere using an internal coating specially chosen for its high reflectance. High-quality spectra can be obtained in minutes on solid samples like powders and other samples like leaves. The DR-CD accessory can be installed in seconds in the sample compartment of the MOS-500. The powder holder is designed to minimize linear dichroism artifacts and is installed directly into the integration sphere.

  • Highly reflective coating
  • Wavelength range 210-900 nm ( 1250 nm when combined with near IR accessory)

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