Stopped-flow/quench flow

Neutron Head for stopped-flow.

Accessory used for Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) with stopped-flow equipment

Connect your stopped-flow to a neutron beamline

Neutron scattering stopped-flow

Combining stopped-flow technology with small-angle neutron scattering gives the user valuable information about the early stages of reactions occurring during growth and formation of micelles or vesicles. It can also be applied to other soft condensed matter studies such as the growth of inorganic particles in an organic matrix or growth of mesoporous structures.

Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) is a technique that measures the deviation at small angles (from less than one degree to several degrees), of a neutron beam due to small particles in the sample. These structures could be clusters in alloys, polymers, or biological macromolecules and their dimensions are usually in the range of 10 to 100 nanometers.

The neutron scattering observation head is designed with a 44° opening for a large solid angle so the detector can get the maximum scattering information. A standard Berger Ball mixer is built into the neutron head.

Reactions take place in a 1 mm light path quartz cuvette. The stopped-flow instrument can be fitted onto the neutron beamline using the umbilical link to mount the neutron head if needed. While the maximum flow rate is usually limited to 2 ml/s, with the neutron cell, the overall dead time is determined by the acquisition speed of the detector.


Neutron scattering accessory includes:
● Observation head with large opening window,
● FFKM O-rings (stopped-flow must also be equipped with FFKM for full solvent compatibility),
● Quartz cuvette,
● Berger Ball mixer (hard-stop not included).
Typical applications include:
● Soft condensed matter,
● Micelles and vesicles,
● Protein/protein interactions,
● Change of quaternary structure.



Solid angle aperture: 44°C

Light path: 1 mm

Temperature control: yes

Spare cuvette part number: OPT3100Q

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