
Optical Rotary Dispersion accessory for MOS-500.

A MOS-500 add on that can also be used for kinetics measurements

ORD is used to study the chirality of a biomolecule by passing a beam of linearly polarized light through the sample.

ORD (Optical Rotary Dispersion) and CD are closely related techniques. ORD is used to study the chirality of a biomolecule by passing a beam of linearly polarized light through the sample. If the sample is chiral, then the light will be rotated as a function of wavelength. From this rotation, the user can determine the left or right-handed chirality of the molecule. No physical rotation of the polarizer is required during acquisition so an ORD spectrum can be collected over tens of seconds with outstanding sensitivity. The ORD accessory is mounted on a standard photomultiplier tube. It includes one polarizer and a special PMT holder equipped with a micrometric screw, allowing fine adjustment of the polarizer position before measurements. The electronics in the MOS-500 do not need to be upgraded when adding the ORD accessory.

The ORD accessory can also be used for kinetics measurements.



  • 210-900 nm (1,200 nm when combined with IR accessory)
  • ±10 degrees
  • Detection limit: 0.01 mdeg

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