Submission for OLE-COM download.

    * indicates required

    Personal information

    Your firstname*


    Your name*


    Your Organisation*


    Your Country*


    Your email*


    What is the language, you will use for the software *

    C#/C/C++ (32/64 bits)LabVIEW (32/64 bits)Python (32/64 bits)Other. Specify….


    What is the application targeted ?

    Fuel cellElectrolyzerRedox flow batteryMaterial research for BatteryCharacterization on full cellCell cycling for qualificationModules & packs researchFundamental ElectrochemistryBiochemistryElectrosynthesis (for ex. CO2 electroreduction)TeachingCorrosionSensor


    For which purpose ?

    Instrument coupling. Specify ….AutomatizationSpecific needs (not addressed by commercial software). Specify….

    Additional information (not mandatory):


    Which instruments you want to integrate:

    SP-200/SP-240/SP-300VSP-300/VMP-300SP-50/SP-50e/SP-150/SP-150eVSP/VSP-3e/VMP3/VMP-3eHCP-seriesBCS-8xx series



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