Product support 5 min read


3D Shaded Surface Rendering Software

3DIsoPlot™ features a user-friendly interface and is ideal for displaying 3D maps of data produced by BioLogic’s M370, M470 and SECM150 scanning probe electrochemistry instruments. 3DIsoPlot™ is suitable for displaying a wide range of data types from scanned to mathematical modeling data. 3DIsoPlot™ produces 3D plots in the form of shaded surfaces. Wireframe plots and color contour maps of the surface are also available. Software options include:

  • Shaded Surface Rendering.
  • Depth Shading.
  • Isometric Split Screen Views.
  • User Definable Color Palette.
  • Wire Frame Plots.
  • Full Control Over Materials Optical Characteristics.


3DIsoPlot™ features a truly user-friendly interface and is ideal for displaying 3D maps of data produced by BioLogic’s scanning probe electrochemistry instruments. 3DIsoPlot™ has also been designed with other applications in mind and is suitable for displaying a wide range of data types from scanned to mathematical modeling data.

3D plots are produced in the form of shaded surfaces, where the data is shaded according to the projected light reflecting from the surface. The ‘Z’ axis may also be amplitude color shaded in a user-defined color palette. These palettes may be stored on disk in standard *RGB files. In addition to shaded surface plots, 3DIsoPlot™ also produces wireframe plots and color contour maps of the surface. The 3D Properties dialog box can vary every aspect of the final 3D rendered image.

Options include:

  • Camera: This group box contains controls that alter the 3D image rotation in three-dimensional space as well as light sources position.
  • Data Sample: Reduces the number of data points used in the rendering process and increasing the speed of the rendering of the final image
  • Material: Determines the optical characteristics of the final 3D renders the image. Variable parameters associated with each material determine how light behaves at the surface.
  • Palette: This control loads and edits the color palette used to produce ‘height’ and ‘distance’ based rendered images.


Any area maps obtained with the M370/M470/SECM150.

3DIsoPlot Software

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