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BioLogic EC-Lab® Software

As powerful as it is user-friendly
EC-Lab® is the universal control and analysis platform for all BioLogic Potentiostat/Galvanostats/FRAs. A multi-device interface, EC-Lab® is capable of controlling multiple devices from a single interface offering centralized control of your experiment. Powerful, yet, user-friendly, the interface is designed to simplify your professional life. There is no need to learn multiple, complicated software applications. With EC Lab®, graphics, analysis and specialized techniques for energy, fuel cells and batteries (amongst others) come as standard in the package, simplifying your workflow and helping you work more efficiently. And with Modify-on-the fly, BioLogic’s unique experiment building functionality, there is no need to pre-plan. You can simply build experiments as you go, giving you increased scientific freedom and opening up exciting new possibilities for scientific exploration.


Embedded Firmware and memory
EC-Lab’s® powerful embedded firmware enables BioLogic instruments to control multiple measurement channels in parallel, giving you more scope and increasing the efficiency of your workflow.

A combination of embedded firmware and memory is advantageous in several ways. Firstly, it means that the instruments are quasi-autonomous, ensuring they are resilient against short disconnections without losing data. Secondly, it enables key variables to be processed at a hardware time base, regardless of the experiment sampling-rate, and therefore ensure high-precision measurements.


Ever evolving. Ever improving.
BioLogic is in constant contact with scientists across the globe. Our clients tell us what is missing and what could be improved with EC-Lab®. This valuable information is fed into an R&D loop to ensure that our software remains constantly up-to-date, and ensure that it answers the needs of scientists and industry in ever-changing technological environments.


Do more, do it faster and improve your workflow
With over 70 techniques, 6 presets for ASTM standards the strength-in-depth of EC-Lab® remains unparalleled.

However, it is also easy to use. A personalization tool enables users to set-up a profile so that their favorite settings for screen representations and toolbars are instantly available, helping them work faster and more efficiently. The software allows remote access to an instrument on a LAN network via Ethernet ports, facilitating group working.

As a multichannel system, you can run different techniques on two or more channels, or run the same techniques on grouped channels opening up important experimental possibilities.

And EC-Lab® makes life easier. Automation techniques with “wait” and “loop” options help users create complex experimental chains, quickly and easily. Users can create up to 100 unique sequences for many techniques, adding or removing sequences and linking techniques that can be run at the touch of a button. The resulting experiment can then be saved as a “custom application” if you so wish and saved for later use, speeding up workflows.

Modify-on-the fly is only available on BioLogic systems and lets you build your experiment as you go, giving you real scientific exploratory freedom (click here for more information).


Analysis: Identify data of interest with powerful tools
A complete suite of analysis tools including EIS data modeling, CV data fit etc is included in EC-Lab® software helping users obtain key data of interest quickly and easily. Multiple graph displays enable you to customize your data: so you can adapt the system to your own specific research needs.  And a comprehensive range of analysis/fitting tools means you can work faster, save time and minimize the risk of making mistakes


Experiment limit parameters: Safety first
A wide range of experimental limit parameters including temperature, capacity, and potential (amongst many others) are available to control the experiment process and/or protect the electrochemical cell. These limits can be set either for all the experiments in a series or for individual techniques. The experiment can also be set up to auto-terminate or skip to the next sequence based on a limit value originating from an external device such as a temperature probe.


External device coupling: Modularity & control
EC-Lab® has an advanced external device configuration menu that can be set to control and record data from a separate instrument, such as a QCM, a RRDE or a thermostatic chamber. This gives users total control over all their instruments from one single interface, simplifying and facilitating experiment setups and management.


Integrated calibration software will ensure that your instrument will stand the test of time and the rigors of the laboratory – for measurements that remain accurate, however long you use your instrument.


EC-Lab® is compatible with Windows 7, 8 (32 or 64 bits), 10 (32 or 64 bits), 11 (32 or 64 bits).


Important note:
Before carrying out the update on the instruments of the essential product range, some precautions must be taken. Make sure you are in one of the following configurations:

  • All cell cables are connected to dummy cells
  • OR each cell cables having their CE,WE,RE1,Re2,RE3 shorted  together
  • OR all cell cables are disconnected from channel boards

EC-lab® V11.62.5 Setup

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EC-Lab Demo

Download EC-Lab Software Demo
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Please note: You must be logged in as an administrator on your PC to download this software.
Make sure that the documents related to the software (manuals, getting started…) are stored in the “My document” directory and not in a cloud


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Version history

EC-Lab® V11.62.5 (online February 11, 2025)


  • User name of the connected PC
  • Data Vault is organized and updated
  • Tera term pro has been removed

Bug fix

  • When more than 2 Premium booster boards are connected in parallel, the control was not accurate
  • BCD technique: “Ref is not a valid integer value” error pop-up
  • ULC / ULC-z wrong voltage measurement initialization in OCV period
  • Settings loading may lead to error in OLE-Com mode
  • IRange change with automatic IRange leads to an error when voltage is outside the ERange set in the MB technique
  • FlexP doesn’t start at the set voltage with an LSV technique
  • Open In doesn’t stop the loading of the next setting in Batch mode
  • Txt Export: GCPL/CCCV technique leads to an error message “cannot copy XXX into the .mpt file!!”
  • Txt export: split a file by cycles/loop was not working
  • Message “Upgrade Completed” pop-up before the end of the upgrade firmware.

EC-Lab® v11.61 (online July 22, 2024)


  • Compatibility with latest Essential boards.

Bug fix

  • On-site HCV-3048 booster calibration.
  • Export txt leads to error messages while the Analog in recording is enabled
  • Synchronization of channel from different devices leads to error message
  • CCCV – Rest time limits does not work as set

EC-Lab® v11.60 (online April 24, 2024)


  • Sensitivity function for EIS data analysis.
  • Ewe -Ece control improvements (Change of technique labelling, Limit in Ewe-Ece for EIS, Energy & Power variables available for all voltages, i.e. Ewe, Ece & Ewe-Ece).
  • Energy processed in the firmware.
  • Q limit in % limit in Charge of a previous step.
  • New tutorials (“Getting started” in the “help” menu).
  • ZSim improvements (allow to name a folder, Add a noise to the simulated data).
  • Ohmic drop compensation in Galvano.
  • Tafel fit button labels modification.
  • Message for upgrade changed.
  • Bug fixing & minor enhancements.

EC-Lab® v11.52 (online October 05, 2023)


  • Compatible with new Premium boards

EC-Lab® v11.50 (online May 16, 2023)


  • Irange automatic in Galvano mode for Premium instruments.
  • DEV in Z Fit has been changed to STD Error.
  • dE/dt improvement.
  • -dE in MB technique.
  • Limit in Charge of a previous steps.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Binder compatible.
  • EIS QI in Stack mode.
  • Technique adapted to the control mode.
  • Bug fixing & minor enhancements.


  • Bug fixing of EXT APP technique
  • CCCV technique doesn’t show up for MPG2xx series
  • Sometimes conditional limits in PEIS/GEIS don’t show up
  • Access violation message from Windows show up
  • Material variables were not displayed if Ece was ticked
  • Charge time was not displayed correctly when “charge time + discharge time vs cycle” were plotted.
  • ZIR correction hard has been improved
  • Export text bug fixing
    • Variable of pulsed technique were not exportable
  • PEISW default setting has been changed (Zlim enabled by default)
  • BCD. Variable N2 were truncated, and duration was changed to 0 when the user didn’t click on the key before changing the sequence.
  • MB data were not properly managed by ZFit, (“CurCycle” message show up)
  • Compensation post-process tool: units have been added Ohm, mOhm, F and µF
  • SP-50e/SP-150e have been added in the virtual instruments
  • SPEIS techniques. Was not possible to set value higher than 50 mV as Va.
  • CPP/PDYN: limit in current were not managed
  • Stack mode:
    • Improved clock management to avoid issue at high frequencies
    • Charge (Q-Q0) is now available in the stack mode
  • EULA has been updated “commercial” has been removed
  • Other minor bugs…

EC-Lab® v11.47 (online April 18, 2023)


  • Compatible with new Premium Calibration boards

EC-Lab® v11.46 (online December 08, 2022)


  • Compatible with new Premium channel boards

EC-Lab® v11.43 (online September 24, 2021)

Bug correction:

  • Ewe-Ece control non-working properly with potentiodynamic techniques with Premium instruments

EC-Lab® v11.42 (online August 04, 2021)

Bug correction:

  • Limit in Q available in GCPL techniques were not correctly applied (during the CC step)

EC-Lab® v11.41 (online July12, 2021)

Bug correction:

  • GEIS with Premium instruments: the controlled DC current was not properly applied.

EC-Lab® v11.40 (online June 18, 2021)


  • new CCCV technique
  • Full cell control (“GCPL6” like) generalized
  • Limit in difference of SoC
  • Climatic Chamber control (Temperature Control Unit; TCU)
  • Material Variables & Plots
  • Technique searching tool
  • Most Recent Used techniques
  • Super impose an External signal
  • 100 kHz for MPG-2/MPG-205
  • Bug fixing & minor enhancements

EC-Lab® v11.36 (online November 18, 2020)


  • Levich and Koutecky Levich analysis
  • Bipot techniques linkable with RDE, MIR, ZIR and loop techniques
  • Recording Mean values in OCV technique
  • 3D graph improvements linked to Z-inst analysis

EC-Lab® v11.33 (online December 16, 2019)


  • Control New VSP-3e Instrument

EC-Lab® v11.32 (online November 21, 2019)


  • Add a new warning and message window
  • New analysis tool : Z-inst
  • Grid interface for ModuloBat
  • EIS : 7th Harmonics

EC-Lab® v11.31 (online August 05, 2019)


  • Increase the instrument interrogation time before locking the channel.

EC-Lab® v11.30 (online May 21, 2019)


  • EIS techniques: Addition of conditional limits for EIS techniques. Limits in Time, Ewe, |Q| and I are available with PEIS, GEIS, ME-EIS, SPEIS and SGEIS.
  • Calibration: Addition of TN44: “How to check the accuracy of your instrument” In EC-Lab setting folder.
  • Graph: Under-sampling procedure optimization. Increase response time of the software.

EC-Lab® v11.27 (online February 15, 2019)


  • GEIS AA : Galvano EIS technique with adaptive amplitude
  • BCD: allows CC/CV in discharge mode
  • EIS: charge and discharge capacity accounting during EIS measurements

EC-Lab® old versions for:

  • The instruments VMP1 & MPG1, EPP-400, EPP-4000 & Bistat are not supported by the latest version. Please use the V10.37
  • For first VMP2 units with a limited board memory – until S/N 0060. Please use the V10.12
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